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Mods Sims 4 5197

Découvrez et téléchargez des mods pour Les Sims 4 afin d'ajouter du contenu, des fonctionnalités et des améliorations à votre jeu.

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par Bienchen in Tweaks


Fixes the EA bug that lets only the victim of a mean social apologize instead of the Sim beeing mean.


A small, crisp fruit that resembles a peach. This heat-loving tree will yield an extra crop during heat waves. Apricot Trees are also more prone to bug infestations.
par Bienchen in Tweaks


Adds more choices to add fish to aquariums. You can buy any fish you desire from those aquariums that can stock 6 fishes.
Arcade room fanpack

Arcade Room Fanpack

This pack contains 9 funtional objects, 11 basic objects, 2 walls, and 8 new clothes (3 masculine, 3 feminine, 2 child) you can check the GIF and in game pictures below. This pack collaboration of cepzid and hakrabr.
Archaeologist Career

Archaeologist Career

Unlike my previous career, the Adventurer Career, this is a more realism-based type career. Want a taste of what it’s like to be a real archaeologist? The pay is ridiculously low, and the work is hard plus it takes forever to gain any real respect in your field. If you play this career, be sure to read the career level descriptions that my best friend, the real archaeology acolyte, helped write. The biting reality of the descriptions can get quite snarky and humorous. Although this career is different than my previous one, because it uses the Archaeology skill, it still requires the Jungle Adventure GP. You don’t need to take anywhere near as many trips to Selvadorada in this career as you do with my Adventurer Career, but you do still get extra vacation days to start off this career with. Oh, I also created a brand-new interaction for this career! Now you can write research papers on any computer to gain promotions and increase your archaeology skill. The papers take about an hour or two to write.

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