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Mods Sims 4 5624

Découvrez et téléchargez des mods pour Les Sims 4 afin d'ajouter du contenu, des fonctionnalités et des améliorations à votre jeu.

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Alien Landing Zone Lot Trait

Alien Landing Zone Lot Trait

Use this lot trait to convert any non-residential lot into an alien landing zone where several aliens will regularly visit said lot without their human disguises on. Different Sims will react differently to being in the landing zone and seeing the aliens. One more thing, you must have the Get to Work Expansion Pack for this Lot Trait to work at all!
All Traits In Reward Store

All Traits In Reward Store

Permet de choisir les préférences, les traits de personnalité, les traits de récompense, les traits de bonus d'aspiration, les bonus pour les bambins, les valeurs de caractère, les styles de vie, les diplômes, la lignée, les types de fantômes dans la boutique de récompenses.
par Bienchen in Tweaks


Allows toddlers to go to Services. Note: If the whole family leaves the lot to go to Services, you will however be required to call a babysitter despite your toddler actually not being at home.


Deliciously crunchy and slightly sweet nuts. This tree doesn't dry out as quickly as other plants in extreme heat but it will go dormant if exposed to freezing temperatures. It requires lots of nutrients so you'll need to fertilize it well for it to evolve at a normal rate. Has custom notebook entry and chance to get from seed packs.
Alter Initial Funds Mod

Alter Initial Funds Mod

This mod will make your newly started games either easier or more difficult depending on which flavor of the mod you choose. Want to start your game out with a Sim who has only §5,000 to their name? OR would you rather make things way easier on yourself and start the game out with a Sim who has §100,000 in funds? The choice is now yours! There are several flavors to choose from but choose only one flavor of the mod to install at one time!
Amanita Mushroom

Amanita Mushroom

This fungus is best enjoyed after it's been cooked. A heavy feeder, this plant needs more fertilizer to get to a better quality faster. Amanita mushrooms are toxic if eaten raw so be sure to cook them before you eat them! Has custom notebook entry and chance to get from seed packs.
par Bienchen in Tweaks


Sims that have recently given birth can enthuse about the event. The male parent can do the same. Sims can now enthuse about the event when they are newly engaged or just married. They also can have a 'pleasant conversation' with their friends instead of the 'get to know' interaction.
par Bienchen in Tweaks


Sims can congratulate others on their promotion, brag about their own promotion, talk or complain about work. Sims will get to know the carreer of the target sim if they talk or complain about work.

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