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Mods - Tweaks 1107

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par Bienchen in Tweaks


Replaces some of the high chair meals with more healthy/toddler friendly food dishes. Choose whatever you like to replace: cereal &gt; oatmeal chips &gt; fruitsalad crackers &gt; trout meuniere ham &amp; cheese sandwich &gt; poke bowl <strong>(IslandLiving required)</strong> peanut butter sandwich &gt; veggie hummus sandwich <strong>(Parenthood required)</strong> peas &gt; mushy peas <strong>(DiscoverUniversity required)</strong>
par Bienchen in Tweaks


Sims will only choose to autonomously put a toddler out of the highchair if the toddler already has the hidden 'left behind in highchair' buff. This should make it easier for your toddler to finish their meal before they are taken out by the next fool. Please note that high chair interactions are also heavily triggered by the check on toddler interactions. So for best results, you should absolutely consider to install my <strong>lessautonomouscheckontoddler</strong> mod in addition to this one.
par Bienchen in Tweaks


Toddlers will be able to fulfil the father winter tradition again and will receive more appropriate gifts. Also fixes the canned jar gift sentiment.
par Bienchen in Tweaks


Ice cream will be decorated (garnish/topping) by default. Especially useful for restaurants.

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