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Mods - Tweaks 1107

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par Bienchen in Tweaks


Includes two separate packages. One allows for aging of pregnant Sims. The other on adds an idle to pregnant Sims so that they will occasionally rub their tummy (Cool Kitchen Stuffpack required).
Smarter Self-Care

Smarter Self-Care

This is a mod to allow your household Sims and NPCs to take better care of their needs and hobby before getting uncomfortable from their motives going too low.
Snorkel Everywhere

Snorkel Everywhere

Ce mods vous permet de faire du snorkeling partout dans l'océan où vous pouvez nager et pas seulement aux bouées.
par Bienchen in Tweaks


With this mod, every Sim that is a child or older can join the soccer team. Please bear in mind that adult Sims are not able to join the soccer team and have a full time job at the same time. The motives module tweaks the at work actions so the activity will be a bit less stressful.
par Bienchen in Tweaks


Tweaks the odds so that the chance to develop a positve sentiment is higher and the chance to develop a negative sentiment lower when Sims have a very good relationship or are relatives. There's also a small package (<strong>noyouthfestivalunblessedsentiment</strong>) included that stops child Sims from getting a negative sentiment because they feel they have not been blessed enough at the festival of youth.
par Bienchen in Tweaks


A small mod which replaces the scouting and leaf playing sims and some others with stray cats and dogs. As a result you will see some stray cats an dogs strolling through all neighbourhoods.
par Bienchen in Tweaks


With this mod, Sims that aren't gluttons will stop eating as soon as they are fed up - just like it was in the Sims 2. I recommend to use the grandmeal module in combination with my moregrandmeals_tradionstweak. Otherwise, your Sims will not fulfill the grand meal tradition when they don't finish their plates.
par Bienchen in Tweaks


With this mod, not all sims will get a stressed/sad moodlet while inside during a thunderstorm. For instance, most children and toddlers will fear thunderstorms, but wild toddlers or loud children (childhood phase) won't. On the contrary, only few adults will fear thunderstorms - there are exeptions for e. g. squeamisch sims, Sims who hate rain or wind, though.
par Bienchen in Tweaks


Reduces the time stays walkbys will stay in a neighbourhood before leaving from 6 hours two 2 hours.
par Bienchen in Tweaks


Swimming enhances the motives fun and hygiene. With the <strong>'nofatloss'</strong>-version of the mod, Sims will not loose fat while swimming. Make sure to only download 1 version.
par Bienchen in Tweaks


If you tend to click the wrong option and confound the 'bring here' and 'switch to zone' interactions, fear no more. This mod add different icons to the interactions to avoid this misfortune.

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