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41 / 132
Delinquent Teens

Delinquent Teens

Ajoute un nouveau scénario lié aux adolescents. Leur donne la possibilité de fuguer, rajoute un système d'infraction scolaire et de justice juvénile. Ajoute des conséquences si vos ados sims sont pris en train de mal se comporter, qu'il s'agisse d'une simple farce au lycée ou d'un tag dans la rue. Seront-ils renvoyés ou recevront ils un simple avertissement, devront ils effectuer des travaux d'intérêt général ou seront-ils envoyés dans une maison de correction ?
Deliver Baby at Hospital

Deliver Baby At Hospital

The Deliver Baby at Hospital never worked for me when i clicked Join. After checking in nothing happened. Today i tried again and i investigated some more on why it does not work. I found out that after arriving at the Hospital my Sim does not get into the Situation needed. The reason is, that in the filter “is pregnant in labor” it tests if the pregnancy progress is at least 99. But the Labor starts at 97. So if your Sim is in Labor but the pregancy progress is 97-98, it will fail. Fixed that and now it works for me. I also changed the Doc in a way that they are near the front desk instead of outside. This way they will take care of you when you enter the Hospital without the need to check in

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