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Mods Sims 4 5199

Découvrez et téléchargez des mods pour Les Sims 4 afin d'ajouter du contenu, des fonctionnalités et des améliorations à votre jeu.

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Form Groups In School!

Form Groups In School!

This means you can group up your teen and their friends and guide them to travel together in the canteen and around the school. It makes getting friends to sit together at lunchtime much easier.
Foster Family

Foster Family

Faites partie du réseau de familles d'accueil de LMS et prenez soin de bambins, d'enfants, d'adolescents ou d'animaux de compagnie qui ont besoin d'une famille d'accueil.
par Lot51 in Gameplay


Laissez vos amis de la ferme vagabonder en toute liberté avec Free-Range ! Les vaches et les lamas sont enfin séparés de leur abri et peuvent vagabonder comme les poules et les lapins.
par Bienchen in Tweaks


Fixes a bug in the freelancer career. Your Sims' work will no longer be continuously rejected despite editing. There still remains a chance of failure though.
French Onion Soup

French Onion Soup

Adds a new food recipe to the game that uses cheese from my new Cheesemaking Skill! This soup is overflowing with slightly carnalized onions that have been covered and simmered with a thick vegetarian stock. Served with crusty bready slices drowning in gruyere cheese.
Fresh Is More Storage

Fresh Is More Storage

This add-on is even better than the original Horders Simnonymous set because it *preserves freshness*. Any item that can decay (harvestables, food, etc) will have an extended lifetime just as if it were in the fridge. It also works off the grid and doesn't need power or ice added to it!
par Bienchen in Tweaks


The show fridge inventory interaction <strong>"open"</strong> will always show on the first page of the pie menu with this mod.
par Bienchen in Tweaks


Friendships will decay faster with this mod. The mod also tweaks the friendship stats so that you will need higher values to become friends (50 instead of 35) and good friends (90 instead of 60). It also adds icons so that you can easily determine who your Sim's friends are.

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