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Mods Sims 4 5624

Découvrez et téléchargez des mods pour Les Sims 4 afin d'ajouter du contenu, des fonctionnalités et des améliorations à votre jeu.

42 / 141
Dark Coffee

Dark Coffee

This is a coffee ingredient that can be used in my other food and crafting recipes. Sims can purchase this item or they can craft it on my Mill appliance. Each tin can be separated into 8 bags of coffee that can be used as an ingredient.

Dark Emotions

Dark Emotions Mod is a CAS trait located in the emotional category. Give your Sim this trait and they'll start to randomly experience hopelessness, bitterness, feel fucked up, and emotionally numb.
Deadly Vampire !
par Grumpy in Gameplay

Deadly Vampire !

Voulez-vous décider quel Sim va mourir ou non ? Cliquez sur le menu Vampire et vous verrez l'interaction "Tuer un Sim" !
par Bienchen in Tweaks


Sims will react to the death of aquaintances, not so close relatives, disliked sims,... less strong as they do without this mod. The moodlets are shortened and less strong. The nophonenotification package stops other Sims from calling you to tell that a Sim has died.
par Bienchen in Tweaks


Tired of former criminals crowding your neighbourhoods without even being able to change them in CAS? With this mod criminals will turn into ghosts after being convicted and thus are left to culling.

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