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Princess Cordelia’s Clutter

Princess Cordelia’S Clutter

Apparently this stuff is princess clutter? I guess? I don't know, if I was a princess I'd want like a staff or something, I don't know. • Princess Cordelias Bookcase Books 1-7 • Princess Cordelias Bookcase Candlestick • Princess Cordelias Bookcase Decorative Box • Princess Cordelias Bookcase Pile of Books 1 & 2 • Princess Cordelias Bookcase Vase 1 & 2
Procraftination Art Clutter

Procraftination Art Clutter

The Pro-Craftination set is exploding with joy in the form of glue, scissors, glitter, tape, construction paper, all manner of pens, various googly eyes, and other assorted craft fare.
Quad Manor Bookstore Stuff

Quad Manor Bookstore Stuff

These are the extra objects I made for the Quad Manor Bookstore Lot. A few of them are just things that were hanging around that didn’t really fit anywhere else. They’re not required for the shell to work but they are some neat add-ons to use when you decorate it! And that's good, yeah??? • Planter Boxes 1 & 2 • Override for the Artisinal Lattice for more Swatches • Great Attractors Street Lamp with No Flag • Pristine Bookstore Sign Override with more Swatches • Bookcase Display TEXTURES (required) • Original Bookcase Display with Books, Short No Step with Books, Tall No Step with Books but Reversed, & Tall No Step with Books • Bibliofile Books TEXTURES (required) • Bamboozle Curtains Override to make it Thinner and Thinner half open • Bookstore Posters • Minimalist Drapes Override to make it Fuller • Planter Ivy Planter 1-4
Rainbow Party Table Settings

Rainbow Party Table Settings

This is a set of 3 table settings I made to match all of my rainbow themed foods. There are 3 variations. Unlike EA table settings, these do not come with placemats and instead come with a charger plate.
Ranch Kitchen Clutter

Ranch Kitchen Clutter

Adds new decorative objects to the game. This includes some items that Patrons requested and a couple small gems I found while poking around in the buy catalog. • Pitcher • Glass Jar, Utensils, Metal Cannister • Several Hanging Pans • Pan on Cutting Board • Coffee Pot, Dutch Oven • Stacked and Open Nectar Crates
Ranch Living Clutter

Ranch Living Clutter

This adds new decorative objects to the game. These items were all requests by Patrons! I separated the 'Saddle Show Off' stand from the saddle and added a slot so you can place the saddle on top of it or leave it empty. This lets you mix and match the wood style of the stand with different color saddles. The saddle will sit in large slots or on the ground, but they may partially clip through the surface they are placed on. • Saddle Stand and Saddle • Normal and Push Broom • Cleaning Bags, Barrel, and Bucket
Ranch Metal Planters

Ranch Metal Planters

This adds three new functional planters to the game. I saw these in the debug catalog and HAD to have them as functional planters for my harvestable plants. These look really great filled with greenery against the backdrop of Chestnut Ridge. Note: You can actually cheat an extra couple of plants into the double planter just keep in mind you may have routing issues. • Single Planter • Double Planter • Quad Planter
Recycled Planters

Recycled Planters

I really wanted some more planters, especially with the release of Eco Lifestyle since it’s all about being environmentally conscious. Save the Sim Earth! • BG Cities In Dust Planter, Magical Stump Planter, Pallet Planter, and Stock Pot • EP04 Juice Barrel Planter • GP01 Flame Resistant Cooking Planter • GP07 Tub Planter
Salad Bowl

Salad Bowl

Skilled woodworkers in India fashion select planks of acacia wood with varying color and grain before fashioning them into this beautifully grained serving bowl.
Salt and Pepper Shakers

Salt And Pepper Shakers

Modern salt and pepper shakers as decorative as they are essential, featuring streamlined glass containers and brushed metal-plated screw caps. The style of this set is classic yet fresh so it is right at home with a variety of looks. Keep one set on the table and one in the kitchen for convenient access to essential seasoning.

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