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Lot Traits Mods 92

Personalize lot characteristics in The Sims 4 with lot traits mods. Add unique features, modify lot behavior, and create customized environments that suit your Sims' preferences.

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Graveyard Lot Trait

Graveyard Lot Trait

This lot trait will turn any generic non-residential lot into a proper graveyard that’s perfect for all of your deceased Sims to move to as their final resting place… if they wish to rest that is! During the day, the graveyard will be populated with mourners paying their respects to lost loved ones. At night, the graveyard will be haunted by those who have been lost. The lot trait may include a few more surprises as well. Read on… if you dare!
Merfolk Cove Lot Trait

Merfolk Cove Lot Trait

Do you have Island Living but can’t find any mermaids anywhere in Sulani? It’s because they’re hiding from you! Well, they don’t hide from you in a Merfolk Cove! Just set any beach in Sulani or elsewhere with this Merfolk Cove lot trait and the merfolk will gather in droves… and you’ll see them in their full mer-glory! Not only that, but once you visit a Merfolk Cove, the merfolk will learn to trust your Sim and they will be able to see the merfolk anywhere from then on. Pretty cool, huh?
Modern Art Gallery Lot Trait

Modern Art Gallery Lot Trait

This lot trait of mine has been in the works for quite some time as I’ve been tweaking it and trying out new features that I’ve never incorporated before. For this lot trait, I used Lumpinou’s Mood Mod Pack to give the visitors to Modern Art Gallery lots some truly unique yet very appropriate mood buffs! (You’ll need to download the mood mod pack separately via the button link below.) Due to the fact that this lot trait works best on Arts Centers venues from the City Living EP, I’m going to say it requires that EP though it has no other requirements from any EP and can also work on Museum venues from the Base Game. So, take that for what you will.
Movie Theater Lot Trait

Movie Theater Lot Trait

I love going out to the movies! I think the last five or so movies I’ve seen in theaters have all been Marvel movies and that number looks like it’s only going to increase soon. I wanted my Sims to have that same joy of going out to the movies, so I began work on a new movie theater lot, a lot trait, and an event. This is that lot trait. The movie theater lot I built to go along with this lot trait is the Midtown Theater and the event is my Out to the Movies Event. That said, this lot trait can be used on any lounge or generic venue that has a TV screen that movies can be viewed on. I think this lot trait will work without Movie Hangout Stuff Pack, but it doesn’t really make sense to use it without that stuff pack since all the movies a Sim can watch are in that stuff pack.
Possessed Grounds Lot Trait & Challenge

Possessed Grounds Lot Trait & Challenge

Do you love my Graveyard Lot Trait but want to have its features on a residential lot? Well now you can with this very lot trait created especially for residential lots! During the day, everything appears normal, but your Sims will have an odd feeling that something is just wrong about this house. At night, the reasons for those feelings will show themselves and possess your home! This lot trait may include a few other surprises as well.

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