by LittleMsSam in Tweaks
No Puddles Under Bathtubs From Splashing Toddlers
This mod prevents the game from creating puddles while Toddlers are splashing in the bathtub
by LittleMsSam in Tweaks
No Restaurant Bill When Being Invited
Don’t pay when you are invited to the Restaurant
by LittleMsSam in Tweaks
No Strangers Knocking At Your Door
Attemps to get Friends instead of Strangers knocking at your Door.
by Adeepindigo in Tweaks
No Weather Outfits Required
Sims will no longer need to change out of their Everyday outfit into their Hot/Cold Weather outfits. Everyday outfits are now ok to use!
Sims will no longer age autonomously when they invite you to their birthday party.
Sims will no longer autonomously perform the holiday socials (air horn, throw confetti, toast,…).
Sims will no longer do their homework or write in their journals autonomously.
Sims will no longer autonomously use the ice cream machine on their home lots.
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