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Sorted Traits Picker

Sorted Traits Picker

Sorted Traits Picker

by @chingyu1023
0 favorite
0 users using it


The Sims 4

Language available

EN (default)
Dutch by GothiqueAngel
Italian by Rahl
Russia by coregirl
Spanish by MashyLatte
Chinese by Moonlikeruo

This allows you to add traits to your Sims categorized by game packs, cc trait packs, and their creators, without going through a long list of AddTraitsMenu.

Version Date Comment
3.2 July 16, 2022
Lang Author Type URL Version
Dutch GothiqueAngel Included
French Kimikosoma External https://modsims4.fr/mods-cas-sims4/#selectionneur-traits
Italian Rahl Included
Russia coregirl Included
Spanish MashyLatte Included
Chinese Moonlikeruo Included