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Psychotherapy Mod

Psychotherapy Mod

Psychotherapy Mod

by @Simularity
0 favorite
0 users using it


The Sims 4

Language available

All Sims can get the psychotherapy they need to deal with their problems both big and small, long-term and short-term, illness related, and situation related.. Any Sim can seek psychotherapy and receive one of five random buffs for completing it. Depending on which of the five buffs your Sim receives, there is a varying chance that their negative buffs will be removed regardless of what caused the buffs. The buffs will, of course, return eventually but that’s why psychiatrists are rich….

Version Date Comment
None None
None None
None None
None None
None None
Lang Author Type URL Version
French Kimikosoma External None
Russia KaVeKa External None
Italian Rahl81 External None
Chinese Licer External None