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by @Bienchen
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The Sims 4
Sims 4 Get to Work

Language available

EN (default)

-To be promoted, Sims will no have to phone their boss and ask for a bonus first (except for when they are pursuing a part time job, the freelancer, actor or the dream home decorator career)
-The ask for bonus interaction will be available under the following circumstances: charisma or research and debate skill at level 10, charisma level 5 plus all motives high, charisma level 3 plus very confident emotion, debate level 3 plus confident buff from preparing for a debate
-There is a tiny chance of being promoted without fulfilling the requirements for a promotion, that is not changed with this mod.

Version Date Comment
1 July 18, 2022
None July 2, 2023
None July 4, 2023