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Dining Table Overrides

Dining Table Overrides

Dining Table Overrides

by @Brazenlotus
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0 users using it


The Sims 4

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EN (default)

I made a set of these a while ago but they were rendered useless with Parenthood’s set the table option. The idea was to add more slots to the table so you could personalize it more. It took us a while but my Patrons and I came up with a good solution and now here they are! You’ll definitely need the moveobjects on cheat to get objects to sit in all these slots, but it'll totally be worth it! They are intended to be used along with my other sets to create and personalize a tablescape. Here, it adds; • Dining Tables 1x1, 2x1, and 3x1 overrides • Round Table Override • Picnic Table Override