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Mods - Tweaks 924

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Sims will be able to ask other Sims what happend after some events (like cheating, divorce, negative pregnancy test).


Makes more children appear at beach lots. The effect is stronger for lots with the "childsplay" lot trait. Disables fan situation at beach lots.


Parks will be visited by random toddlers with this mod. During school hours and at nights, there will be no children at the park. Teens will mainly use parks in the evening. <strong>Version 2</strong> will only use existing toddlers, no NPC-toddlers will be generated if you do not have enough. <strong>Version 3</strong> differs from version 2 in that toddlers will only show up at parks with the Child's Play lot trait.


This mods tweaks the number of consumption turns that are needed to finish a food dish or drink. Your Sim will take their time when eating grand meals or experimental food dishes, while some other foods will take less time to finish. <strong>I recommend to use this with the following mods as those dishes are not included in this mod:</strong> moregrandmeals_moreconsumptionturns (Seasons Mods), betterbread (Food related mods) The file "lesseatingidles" reduces the idle animations and time in between the consumption turns.


This mod brings electrodutions back to TS2 style, they are now largely dependent on your Sims handiness skill level as well as on their current mood (focused is helpful, uncomfortable not so much).


Booklearning for the skills herbalism and baking will be faster than usual. You can request more skills to be added. I thought those two to bei the most tedious to learn from just doing practise.


Changes some of the top level food dishes (e.g. Winter Cake, Crownroast and experimental food dishes) to grand meals so that your Sims will have more choices when fulfilling that holiday tradition. <strong>moregrandmeals_tradtiontweak:</strong> The holiday goal grand meal will be fulfilled when a Sim starts eating, he doesnít need to finish the meal. Important note! Please be aware that using this mod will make this bug worse in your game: https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/DO-S-NPCs-won-t-leave-the-restaurant-after-ordering-a-grand-meal/td-p/11615918 You can use the traditionfix-file without issues. In order for the bug to be fixed asap, please give it a „Me too“ and „XP“. Thanks!


Sims will wear a greater variety of indoor slippers. Sims will use only modest boot colors when snowboarding and skiing. <strong>Note:</strong> EA CAS content that has been assigned for use with this mod will be seen as CC by the game. If you want to create a Sim to share in the gallery, temporarily delete the mod. You can also save already existing Sims anew after deleting the mod. They will then show as CC-free.


Cooking, sleeping and such will no longer be judged as inappropriate when your Sim visits near relatives or good friends. Sims will also not find your Sim's behavior inappropriate when they first show their gratitude to the host (good manners trait), as long as the buffs are active. A toddler's behaviour will never been seen as inappropriate.


Cats will be more likely to hunt mice. Also reduces the chances for bad moodlets due to mice for Sims with certain traits and/or if there is a cat in the household to take care of the mice.


Makes caring for livestock easier. Can also be combined with my essautonomousclean_cowlama_faster mod. <strong>lessdirtyanimals</strong> - Livestock will get dirty less fast. <strong>fastercleanshed</strong> - Cleaning the cow/lama shed is faster. <strong>fasterrefillshedfeed</strong> - Filling the shed feed is faster. <strong>lessdirtysheds</strong> - Sheds will not get dirty as fast when the cow/lama stays inside. <strong>lesshungryanimals</strong> - Livestock will be less hungry.


This mod deals with the new neighborhoodstories (NS) feature. There's a separate module for each NS feature. Only choose 1 file for each feature, but you can totally mix and match different types of solutions for different features (e.g. disable one feature, just fix another and restrict another feature to never played sims). For each call based feature, you can choose ONE of the following files: <strong>disabled:</strong> Will get rid of the feature completely <strong>justfixed:</strong> Will just fix wonky features like toddlers receiving calls or your significant other calling to tell you they found a ring in your bag. <strong>onlyneverplayedsims:</strong> Only Sims you have never played will eligible for the NS feature. (Feature fixes are already included in that one.) For each of the new socials, you can choose ONE of the following files: <strong>disabled:</strong> Will get rid of the social completely <strong>actions:</strong> The social will be shifted to the "actions" tab so you won't accidentally click it.
New Hug Animation If Confident

New Hug Animation If Confident

I like the Hug Animation of the Actor Career so i included the Animation into the "normal" Hug Interaction. If the Actor Sim is confident & not in 2nd & 3rd Trimester (as well as the Target) they can use the "Risky Hug" Interaction. Be aware only Teens up can use it & with the Animation comes a small social Interaction where Sims talk and you can clearly see/hear that it is "acting". Cannot change that part.

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