Adds more choices for premade foods to friges (pretzel, peanut butter jelly sandwich, meat and cheese platter, ...). Sims will no longer autonomously buy snacks during work at the Get to Work career lots.
Addon as a separate package: Flat fee for EA snacks as well.
<strong>With version 2:</strong> all quick meals are for free.
<strong>With version 3:</strong> specifically designed for the Cottage Living EP - your Sims will need fresh ingredients for most snacks, for the others they will be charged a fee.
The show fridge inventory interaction <strong>"open"</strong> will always show on the first page of the pie menu with this mod.
Socializing with coworkers and classmates will result in a higher relationship boost with this mod.
Friendships will decay faster with this mod. The mod also tweaks the friendship stats so that you will need higher values to become friends (50 instead of 35) and good friends (90 instead of 60).
It also adds icons so that you can easily determine who your Sim's friends are.
Functional Broom
Adds new functional brooms to the basegame with dedicated animations
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